ADPS Stamp Dealers Society News

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The ADPS Stamp Dealers' Society Contact and News Page
(This page updated 11th March 2025)
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The friendly philatelic trade association

The day-to-day business of the Society is handled by the Secretary, MRS MONICA WOOSNAM.
Monica is also the Treasurer and the Editor of the Bulletin.

Contact details

Mrs. MONICA WOOSNAM, ADPS Secretary, 24 Dysart Terrace, Canal Road, NEWTOWN, SY16 2JL

Telephone: 01686 627916 (9 to 5, Monday to Friday).


- Assisting dealers in all aspects of trading for 56 years -

‘Another positive year’ was reported at the ADPS Stamp Dealers’ Society’s 57th Annual General Meeting held in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, on the 17th of October, 2024.

Chairman Malcolm Tudor said: ‘The administration of our society continues to run very smoothly and in this regard the past year has been largely uneventful. One can hardly say this of the affairs of the United Kingdom’s Royal Mail or of the Post Office, with almost monthly announcements of significant new developments or plans. It’s always a pleasure to keep members updated with the news of all these changes and to also provide other interesting and useful information on topics affecting the trade

‘Members continue to benefit from having a full-time secretary and an experienced volunteer committee; mailings of six bulletins and six newsletters a year; a strong online presence; and the opportunity for members to advertise in the journal and on the website.

‘In summary, we’ve had another successful year amid changing times. Evidence once again that our organisation is really a community of friends with common business interests.

Secretary Monica Woosnam commented: ‘Alternative bulletins and newsletters sent out every month ensure members have contact with the society on a regular basis.’

Webmaster Gordon Bonnett reported: ‘Our well-established website continues to attract visitors worldwide, providing both an insight on the Society and encouragement to our members who have an advertisement on the site.’

The officers and committee were re-elected: Chairman: Malcolm Tudor; Secretary: Monica Woosnam; Additional Committee Members: Ray J Howes and John Horsey; and Webmaster: Gordon Bonnett.

The society welcomes membership applications from new and established dealers wherever they are based.


(An article for the Autumn 2023 edition of the Raflet philatelic magazine by ADPS Chairman, Malcolm Tudor)

For over half a century, the ADPS Stamp Dealers’ Society has been a familiar feature of the philatelic scene. Here, chairman, Malcolm Tudor, tells us a little about its background and what it offers dealers and collectors today. The Society brings together new and established dealers in a friendly trade association. It promotes the interests of its members, ensures that customers have total confidence when buying or selling stamps, and supports the development of the hobby. For the origins of the society, we have to go back to 1966, the year in which England beat Germany to win the Football World Cup. The enterprise was born as the Approval Dealers’ Protection Society. This was well before the internet age, of course, but already seventy-six years after Stanley Gibbons had advertised approvals and mail order lists in the very first edition of its Monthly Journal. The association soon attracted dealers from all the other sectors of the trade and then became known by its present title of the ADPS Stamp Dealers’ Society. Its members now sell to collectors through approvals, mail order, auctions, fairs, shops, and online. For many of us, it will be reassuring to know that many of the traditional ways of buying and selling stamps are as strong as ever. At the same time, the industry has proved itself as dynamic and responsive, using the latest technological opportunities to cater for the interests of every collector, whether a complete novice or a specialist of many years standing. In 2023, as in 1966, the ADPS Stamp Dealers’ Society plays an important part in the philatelic trade. The friendship which develops in contacts with collectors, fellow dealers, and everyone else involved in the industry is an added bonus. The Society has a full-time secretary, a volunteer committee, and a strong online presence. It welcomes applications for membership from new and established dealers in stamps and collectibles at home and abroad. The benefits are set out on the popular ADPS website For collectors, a wide range of stamps, postal history, philatelic supplies, books, and postcards can be accessed by collectors on the ‘Members’ Advertisements’ page. The day-to-day business of the society is handled by the Secretary, Mrs Monica Woosnam, who can be contacted by email at, or by telephone on 01686.627916 (Monday to Friday, 9 to 5).


The June 2021 edition of the world stamp trade journal, The Philatelic Exporter, included a full-page special feature on the Society, headlined: 'As it celebrates its 55th Birthday, Ray Howes of the ADPS provides a short history of the Society and what it has to offer the trader.'
The ADPS was founded in 1966 as the 'Approval Dealers' Protection Society.' It soon began to attract dealers selling by other means as well and so the name was subtly tweaked to the present-day title of the 'ADPS Stamp Dealers Society.'
Its activities include publication of the Bulletin and Newsletter, the safeguarding of members by warning of telephone and online scams, help and advice when required, and low-cost advertising in the journal and on our popular website
The ADPS membership spans all parts of the United Kingdom and continues to expand overseas.
Ray concluded his article: 'As the ADPS continues to expand its enthusiastic membership, the Society will constantly strive to help all of its members to achieve success in whatever their stamp trading area.'

Keeping you posted

Members receive The Bulletin or Newsletter every month
(by Royal Mail, or by email on request)

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